Open House recap
what Oregon City sector leaders had to say
sectors represented:
- Youth
- Faith Community
- Parents
- Schools
- Healthcare
- Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement
- Civic/Volunteer Organizations
- Government
- Arts & Culture
What problems do you see in Oregon City related to youth substance abuse?
- economy
- not enough youth oriented activities
- not enough after school programs for working parents
- sports activities too expensive for majority of students
- more info is needed on available resources
- Retail sales to minors
- parents okay with drinking at home
- prescription meds
- heroin increase
- Funding for school programming / electives
- lack of stability for housing / parent support
- social promotion
- lack of support from family members
- lack of alternative space
- unemployment/economic times
- drop out rate increasing
- jobs
- decreasing participation in faith-based activities
- homelessness
- access to mental health facilities
- transportation barriers for youth getting to services
- resources
What current efforts are you aware of that intend to address these problems?
- Drug and Alcohol curriculum in schools
- school activities
- Clackamas County Behavioral Health / Children & Family
- Faith Communities – youth groups
- weekly drop-in for GLBTQ youth
- Truancy court
- Living Room resource
- Faith based community & OCSD homeless liaison working on homelessness issues
- school-based health center at OCHS
- sports – community & school
- OC Parks & Rec
- Community Schools
- Clackamas Children’s’ Center & Women’s Center
- Martha Schrader’s’ veterans’ program
- drop-in medical center through Willamette Falls Hospital
- Arts?
What is missing in the community’s response?
- money
- resources
- lack of coordination of services
- lack of urgency
- business community involvement is low
- youth voices – high school seniors
- activities – age-based
- rigorous enforcement of MIP laws
- how is the library involved?
- resources
- parent involvement
- compartmentalization of sectors – lack of connection
- tying in problem to behavior/grades
- truancy
- C.A.R.E.S. response – identification & intervention
- transportation for rural
- social promotion
What is possible?
- connected/supported community with all agencies
- drug-free homes
- rigorous enforcement of laws – policy changes
- peer-to-peer support
- stronger family relationships
- cultural shifts as to what are our new norms
- reduction in underage drinking
- more access to treatment programs for all members of family
- info in school newsletter & online links to info
- print docs from schools
- youth com. center in OCity
- lunch buddy
- networking with Chamber of Commerce
- mentoring at high school level to elementary
- enlist as mentors high school students who need community service hours to graduate
- everything