Calling all changemakers in Oregon City and Gladstone!

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) awarded Oregon City Together and its fiscal agent, Oregon City School District 62,
$366,602 annually for five years. The grant’s purpose is to increase capacity and infrastructure
that address priority risks and protective factors related to youth substance use.
“This grant will fund implementing a Communities That Care system that involves the Oregon
City and Gladstone School Districts as well as many other community stakeholders,” says
Michele Stroh, coalition chair and school board member. “It will take us to a new level of
prevention effectiveness.”
Communities that Care (CTC) is an evidence-based coalition-based prevention system that
uses a public health approach to prevent youth problems and help young people thrive. It is
based at the University of Washington.
“I am excited for the impact of OC Together’s work on our two school districts and neighboring
communities. The grant funding will allow for a larger reach; prevention starts early and is so
important.”” says Dayle Spitzer, superintendent of Oregon City School District 62.
Jeremiah Patterson, superintendent of the Gladstone School District, agrees and says, “We
welcome the opportunity to work with our neighbors in Oregon City to help all youth thrive.”
We are currently recruiting community changemakers to join these efforts! To learn more, click the
button below.